language: bulgarian english
Key investment factors
  • A possibility for a multifunctional using – with administrative, residential, commercial purpose, as a hotel, investment project etc.
  • A possibility for reconstructions, changes and realization of equipment, depending on the particular wishes of the contractors
  • A possibility for the owner to realize the preceding with his own resources
  • Availability of a developed infrastructure near by
  • A combination of commercial, office, storage, and service areas
  • A possibility for building of a high number of parking places
  • A close proximity to the East industrial zone of the town of Ruse
  • A possibility for establishment of integrated management of the buildings
  • Proximity to GKPP (Border controlling examination post) „Danube bridge” and the Republic of Romania
  • A leading position of Bulgaria in the classification of the countries – most attractive destinations for exporting of a specific type of activity /„outsourcing”/
  • The lowest tax levels in Europe regarding the personal and corporative taxes.


Structure /versions/ of the transaction

The aims of the owner graded by priority are:

  • 1. Leasing of the center as a whole in the existing appearance and condition, or after accomplishing of reconstructions, changes and equipment depending on the particular wishes of one lessee
  • 2. Sale of the center as a whole in the existing appearance and condition, or after accomplishing of reconstructions, changes and equipment depending on the particular wishes and needs of one strategic investor
  • 3. Sale of building 1 and/or building 2 separately in the existing appearance, or after accomplishing of reconstructions, changes and equipment depending on the particular wishes of one or more buyers
  • 4. Sale of separate sections of building 1 and/or building 2 separately in the existing, or changed appearance
These aims may be brought most generally to three types of legal actions: trade partnership, leasing and sale.
  • 1. The sales procedure requires concluding of a notary certified agreement – preliminary and final, or only final between “Bulmarket DM” Ltd. and the eventual buyer. In case of sale-trade, the commercial transaction is accomplished in the form determined by the law – a notary deed before a Notary Public with a region of operation Rouse district court, as until the moment of the notary certification the negotiated amount should be paid to the seller. The notary deed is entered in the Estate Register, kept by the Entry bureau at Rouse district court.
    The sale and the leasing are contractual relations settled normatively by the Law for the obligations and the contracts.
  • 2. The leasing procedure requires concluding of an agreement between “Bulmarket DM” Ltd. and the eventual lessee. The minimum term of the rent contracts – one year, maximum – unlimited, with a clause for indexation on the basis of the index of the consumer prices according NSI (National Statistic Institute) or with a fixed annual indexation. The guarantee deposit according the contracts is the amount of one monthly rent. It is possible the owner to take the management of the business buildings via realization of property and facility services, covering all aspects of the exploitation, the management, the marketing and the maintenance of the buildings. At leasing to one contractor the management may be transferred to him.
  • 3. The trade partnership is normatively arranged in the Commercial law. An aporting of the center in a perspective company with the aim of commercial participation may be realized as by the owner “Bulmarket DM” Ltd., as after the taking out the center from its balance and its finalization in an independent enterprise. The procedures are different depending on the legally-organizational form of the new enterprise and the statute of the aported estate. The share of the owner in the future company can not be less than 50 per cent.
    At every hypothesis, should be paid fees for the accomplished entry.